Wednesday 2 May 2012

Unit 3 Assessing Risk In Sport Assignment 1 Factors affecting Health and Safety in Sport

Unit 3 Assessing Risk In Sport
Assignment 1 Factors affecting Health and Safety in Sport

Health and Safety (first Aid) Regulations (1981)

What is health and safety (first aid) regulations (1981)
The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 is all to do with employers providing and using adequate and appropriate equipment. There job is to also provide facilities and personnel people who would be enable to first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. All these regulations I have said apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed. 

When you employ a first-aid, they needs assessment which would show that a first-aider is necessary or unnecessary. The things that the employer would at first be taking charge of is, they would take charge of:
·  First-aid arrangements.
·  First-aid equipment.
·  Facilities.
·  Calling the emergency services when required.
·  They can also provide emergency cover, within their role.
Employers at the beginning do not have to do first-aid training. However, emergency first-aid training courses can be available.

Employee’s responsibilities
There have been many changes in the provision of first aid training. Which are:

·   Dealing with blood loss and shock
·   Caring for unconscious casualties
·   Performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
·   Burns and scalds
·   Disorders of the airway
·   Poisoning
·   Bone injuries
·   Accident reporting and record keeping
·   Recognition and treatment of medical condition









Duty of employer to make provision for first-aid

·  Such training and has such qualification as the Health and Safety Executive may approve for the time being in respect of that case or class of case.
·  Such additional training, if any, as may be appropriate in the circumstances of that case.
·  The situation relating to an injured or ill employee who will need help from a medical practitioner or nurse, and
·  The equipment and facilities.
·  It would be adequate and appropriate if instead of a person for rendering first-aid there was a person appointed to take charge as then instead of complying with paragraph the employer may appoint such a person, or ensure that such a person is appointed.

First aid in sports and schools
Health and Safety plays a very important in sports because every sport would have to follow by this act. Health and safety would take part in all sports such football, cricket, rugby, basketball, Tennis, hockey and more. I say these specific sports because these sports would have sports ground there these act would also be used by the workers in the stadium. Here are some examples that I am going to give to you which are: Football, if the bar is broken that’s dangerous because the players on the pitch could get injured especially the goalkeeper who is underneath the bar. Another example of this would be cricket.
Here is an example of the batting hand grip technique. Now if you your finger where the white line on the bat is and then hit shots using that technique it would hurt and affect you because it’s the wrong technique and it can injure you.

Personal protective Equipment (PPE 2002)

What is PPE

PPE stands for personal protective equipment. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2002These guidelines state the legal requirements for the provision and maintenance of employee safety through the use of protective equipment. This includes assessing the risks and providing the useful needed equipment free of charge and providing the correct training to use the equipment.

An perfect example of PPE being used in the sporting industry includes canoe instructors wearing life jackets when coaching on the water, cricket players wearing pads and football players wearing shin Pads to protect themselves.

PPE legislation
In all sports you need all kinds of different equipment, you need to make its also sustainable so that it works and make sure it doesn’t harm players cause it’s job is to protect players. The equipment that is use in different sports has to be free because its not optional the equipment, it has to be on your for protection and other safety reasons. Another example of where you have to where safety equipment is American football. American football the players has to wear the headgear and its not optional you have to where the headgear for your own protection. Another thing that the legislation states is that the equipment that is use in most sports has to be tested and assessed to make sure that the equipment is safe and does it job to protect the players.

 Also after using the safe equipments you have to make sure its kept in a safe place so that it doesn’t get damaged and wrecked. For people who are new at a sport such as in cricket he/she should do a demonstration explaining how to put on the equipment so that the people would understand and know who to put the equipment on. You can also give them test on how to put on the equipment just to make sure they know how to put the equipment on.

Employers responsibilities
The employers job is to give the PPE equipment to the person also if necessary given a demonstration or just communicating to the person on how to put the equipment on your body; also the employer would also double check on the employee that they wearing the PPE properly to make sure that avoid getting injured. They also give the PPE equipment to the person for free considering the equipment has to be there if the person can play the sport. The Employers job is to ensure that the employee knows the benefits of the PPE and why its needed in the sport.  If an employee gets injured due to the employer not given the employee equipment, the employer would be at risk of his/her job because his job is to make sure the employees have the correct equipment on them.

Employees responsibilities
The employers responsibility is to make sure they have the correct equipment on and if you’re not sure ask the employer. They also need to make sure listen and understand about the PPE and follow the instruction by the employer. If the employee chooses not to follow the instructions so by not following the rule by not wearing the equipment, if that employee gets injured the employer is not held responsible. The employer wouldn’t be held responsible because he has given an instruction which the employee wouldn’t follow so that it is the employee fault for not following the instruction which would be to where the correct equipment.

PPE In a sports
Here is a list In wear you need to where PPE
·  Football
·  Rugby
·  Basketball
·  American football
·  Hockey
·  Cricket
·  Baseball
·  Tennis

In most the sports I have just said all of equipment you would use in each sport would be provided for you for free because you need them in the sport. In all these sports you would have to buy your own PPE trainers. In football you would have to buy the shin pads as well. The referee would check you have the correct equipment for your own safety and if the referee thinks you are not safe to play, he wont let you play. Its important in all sports that the referee checks every single one of you to make sure that you have the correct equipment because if he doesn’t and you go on the pitch without a key equipment and get injured, the referee job could lose his/her job.

Management of health and safety regulation (1999)

What is Management of health and safety regulations (1999)
The MHSW regulations have been put in place in order that you take care of all the workers, employees, contractors, clients or customers. The aim of the regulations is to reduce damage by assessing all potential risks and to create action plans for emergencies. The MHSWR was enforced in 1992, but updated in 1999 to include more formal risk assessments. These regulations define the employers approach to health and safety. They expand upon the general duties within the Health and Safety at Work Act for employers to manage health and safety. 

Employers regulation
Employers job is to asses all risks for all workers, including mobile and home workers Seafarers.  
 If safety procedures can ever be improved, appropriate steps should be taken accordingly. Such as: Employers main duties is to
·   Provide maintain plant, equipment and systems of work which are not at risk to health.
·   provide for safe storage handling and use of dangerous substances.
·  Provide appropriate information and training for employees regarding health and safety.
·  Make sure the work place is checked and maintained in a safe condition.

Here are the five simple steps a employer would take when it is carry out:
·   Identify hazards
·   Decide who could be harmed
·   Evaluate the problem and decide what action you are going to take
·   Record and write down you findings
·   Review your risk assessment must and update if necessary

Employers job is to select employees to perform health and safety tasks such as planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of health and safety arrangements. Employers are encouraged to take into account the views of employees and safety representatives. You should select the most confident employees for the job.

Employees regulation
 Any equipment that the employees use should first of all be safe, they should know how to use it and the health and safety of the equipment. The employees has to listen to the employer and try to understand whatever the employer would be communicating. Here are some more bullet points Every employee shall inform his employer or any other employee of that employer with specific responsibility for the health and safety.

The legislations of health and safety in sports organisations
·   Secure the health and safety welfare of people at work.
·   Control the emission into the atmosphere of noxious or offensive substances from premises.
·   Control handling and storage of dangerous risks.
·   Protect people other than those at work against risks to health and safety arising from the activities of people at work.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health and includes nanomaterials.

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 is set out to manage risks to health from hazardous substances. Often, substances are used in sports facilities for cleaning. These regulations ensure such substances are stored correctly. COSHH requires the employer to identify:
  • The situation regarding exposure to hazardous substances
  • Procedures to reduce exposure to acceptable levels.
There are four main areas under the regulations:
  • Assessment of the risks to, how to reduce them, handling and storage of the substances
  • Ensure all information about COSHH procedures are passed onto staff
  • Eliminate or control the risks to prevent accidents with the correct use of applications, procedures and personal protection
  • Monitor procedures to ensure they are effective
The COSHH regulations make use of standard symbols, to represent different types of danger; these symbols are often visible on bottles of chemicals (e.g. household bleach, garden fertilizer) or transportation Lorries.

Responsibilities for the employers
The employers need to make sure that the understand and know the knowledge of the act. The employers job is to train and communicate with the employees about the understanding of COSHH. The law requires employers to control exposure to hazardous substances to prevent ill health. They have to protect both employees and others by complying with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
To comply with COSHH you need to follow these eight steps:
·   assess the risks
·   deciding what precautions are needed
·   prevent or adequately control exposure
·   ensure that control measures are used and maintained
·   monitor exposure
·   carry out appropriate health surveillance,
·   where necessary prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents and emergencies
·   ensure employees are properly informed, trained and supervised          

The employees should now what COSHH is and should be able to know what to do in a situation when COSHH is involved.  Employees must be provided with information about the risks to their health to which they are exposed; the measures that control that exposure and any monitoring or health surveillance that has been carried out. They should be instructed in what they need to do control these dangers and trained in how to use them.

COSHH Sports

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