fitness test in sport

Consultant Form
Personal information

Title: Mr   Mrs   Miss  Ms 
Name: John Pelekanis                 Gender: Male/Female

Date of birth: 12/12/93                    Age: 18                                                                     

Mobile number: 07972633878                 
 Home number: 02082618601

Family doctor: Mr Kumus

Address: 4 chtchester news west Nuruout                 Email address

Post Code: SE27 0ns

Weight 80kg                 Height 6feet

Emergency Contact
Emergency contact name:   Sarah  

Emergency contact address: 26 ringshaw road

Emergency number:            House: 02076845938                                     Mobile: 07945767342
GP Details


Surgery address:

Phone number:

Medical History

Please tick the following that refers to you   

Recent Injuries: .no

Do you have high blood pressure: no

Do you have Allergies? If so what type of allergy do you have?  􀂉 no

Do you have cancer? And if so what type of cancer?

Arthritis or other rheumatic disease Specify type:  􀂉

Heart disease Type of heart disease: 􀂉

Diabetes 􀂉 Asthma 􀂉 Emphysema or COPD 􀂉

Other condition Specify:

Cuts&bruises 􀂉 dislocation 􀂉 fracture 􀂉

Any unknown pains? 

Recent visits to the OP if so why?

If you have ticked or answered on the medical history part, it you want please elaborate on what medical you have ticked. 

Life Style

Please answer the following questions that refers to you   

How would you describe your food habits?                Good/ bad/ alright

Do you drink a lot of alcohol?                                     Yes/ No

Do you smoke?                                                            Yes /No

How many times a day do you smoke?  2

Are you on a diet?                                                     Yes/ No 

How many litres of water do you drink a day?  .1-2Litres.

How often a week do you exercise:  4 times a week
Stress Levels: High 􀂉 Low 􀂉  Medium 􀂉

Do you take any prescribe medication? 􀂉  If so are you still allowed to train?  􀂉        

General Information
Have you been to a gym before?  yes

Have you ever had a personal trainer before?                                       Yes/ No

Where did you hear to come to this specific place?
From school

What do you want to achieve in this?
Become stronger

What Exercises or Activities can’t you do?

What specific fitness do you want to work on?  Everything

Is there any fitness, activities or exercises that you don’t want to do? .no

Is there any other condition that we need to talk about i.e pregnant, unknown pain and any other injury or strains.  no

Physical Examination

Height: 6. feet

Weight: 80kg

Body fat: 17

Heart rate: 80

Blood Pressure: SYS: 104 DIA: 142

BMI: 24.7

Lung volume /function: 24

Waist to hip ratio: 85

Postural Analysis

Consultant Form
Personal information

Title: Mr   Mrs   Miss  Ms 
Name: Siri Knioethet                                                                                Gender: Male/Female

Date of birth: 04/01/94                                                                              Age: 18                                                                

Mobile number: 07916998193                                                                 

Home number: 02087608290

Family doctor:

Address 54 Rovuwany Road West Norwood                                           Email address:

Post Code: SE27 9PX

Weight:                 Height ……………………                 Occupation ……….................................

Emergency Contact
Emergency contact name:  Linda

Emergency contact address: 54 Rovuwasny Road West Norwood

Emergency number:            House: 02087608290  

Mobile: 07828192482

GP Details


Surgery address:

Phone number:

Medical History

Please tick the following that refers to you   

Recent Injuries: Sprain ankle, knee

Do you have high blood pressure 􀂉

Do you have Allergies? If so what type of allergy do you have?  􀂉

Do you have cancer? And if so what type of cancer?

Arthritis or other rheumatic disease Specify type:  􀂉

Heart disease Type of heart disease: 􀂉

Diabetes 􀂉 Asthma 􀂉 Emphysema or COPD 􀂉

Other condition Specify:

Cuts&bruises 􀂉 dislocation 􀂉 fracture 􀂉

Any unknown pains?  Sometimes my right ear starts to hurt and I don’t know why.

Recent visits to the OP if so why?

If you have ticked or answered on the medical history part, it you want please elaborate on what medical you have ticked. 

Life Style

Please answer the following questions that refers to you   

How would you describe your food habits?                Good/ bad/ alright

Do you drink a lot of alcohol?                                     Yes/ No

Do you smoke?                                                            Yes /No

How many times a day do you smoke? 

Are you on a diet?                                                     Yes/ No 

How many litres of water do you drink a day?  1.5 Litres.

How often a week do you exercise: 3 times a week

Stress Levels: High 􀂉 Low 􀂉  Medium 􀂉

Do you take any prescribe medication? 􀂉  If so are you still allowed to train?  􀂉        

General Information
Have you been to a gym before?

Have you ever had a personal trainer before?                                       Yes/ No

Where did you hear to come to this specific place?
From School

What do you want to achieve in this?
Loss body fat, and build cardiovascular and endurance

What Exercises or Activities can’t you do?

What specific fitness do you want to work on? 

Is there any fitness, activities or exercises that you don’t want to do?

Is there any other condition that we need to talk about i.e pregnant, unknown pain and any other injury or strains. 
Heavy weight

Physical Examination

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 65.1

Body fat: 16

Heart rate: 62

Blood Pressure: SYS: 139  DIA: 96

BMI: 21.7

Lung volume /function: 30

Waist to hip ratio: 81cm

Postural Analysis

Cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 different chemicals which can damage the cells and systems of the human body. These include at least 80 chemicals that can cause cancer (including tar, arsenic, benzene, and other diseases. Every time a smoker inhales, these chemicals are drawn into the body where they interfere with cell function and cause problems ranging from cell death to genetic changes which lead to cancer.

This would effect Siri in many ways, it would effect his breathing his attitude his, general fitness. Smoking does enormous damage to the lungs, especially because these tissues are in the direct firing line for the poisons in smoke. As a result there is a huge increase in the risk of lung cancer, which kills more than 20,000 people in the UK every year. Because Siri smokes it would effect him in many ways such as: Increase in blood pressure, decrease in the brain stimulation, dizziness, loss appetite, becomes easily hyper, shortness of breathing chronic coughing and a lot more. The main one that I picked out from there is shortness of breathing; so when Siri was counting his heart beat a minute, his one was low and that was the main reason why. The average normal rate for a human heart beat a minute is between 60-100 Siri one was below 60 which isn’t good at all.  


The aim of my assignment was to get two contrasting people and different people. An example of this would be someone playing sport and the other person not playing sport. I used two of my students in my class who I think were to different. Although they both played sports and go gym I still thought there was a big difference between them. Siri had a lot more flexibility then John and I say this because Siri stretches a lot more then John. I Also say that Siri is more flexible because before when we did the sit and reach test john couldn’t reach the board at all whilst Siri did reach it and did well on it. Even though Siri is more flexible then John, John was a lot more stronger because he had bigger muscle then Siri.

John was stronger then Siri because when he went to the gym he would normally work on his muscle in his body rather then using treadmill, bicycles and other machines and John goes more regular to the gym then Siri. The main big difference between the two people that I picked was there heights; John is 6 foot, whilst Siri is 5 foot 4, so there was a big difference in height. Also I think due to the height, Siri had faster reactions and generally faster then john because when Siri does go gym he is uses the running machines more.

When I measured John and Siri heart rate there wasn’t a big difference, Johns was 80 whilst Siri was 62. This shows that Siri is fitter then john due to the score they got in there heart rate test.  There was a big difference when I did the blood pressure test on them, Siri got: Sys 139, DIA 96 whilst john got: SYS: 104, DIA 142. There is an big difference in both of them especially in the DIA.  For Johns BMI he is according to this survey over weight bit a bit.
So If I was john I would go to the gym and work on the treadmill more because not does it make you fitter and lose weight, you also burn fat and you would become healthier. John can also go on a different type of diet that focus more on his figure rather then anything else. If John goes on a diet or use the treadmill more for like a month or two, he would start to see a big difference so when we do these test again he would see a difference in his weight, height, BMI, heart rate and more.

For Siri when he was doing the blood pressure test he found it difficult to walk up and down so he sat down and did it instead. He said this due to his knee injury and sprain ankle.




Body Fat
Body Fat
Heart Rate
Heart Rate
Blood Pressure
SYS: 139
Blood Pressure
SYS: 104
DIA: 142
Lung volume/
Lung volume/
Waist and Hip

Waist and hip

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